Your one-stop health and wellness hub

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Get healthy through our one-stop My Wellbeing Hub


Staying active is important for your wellbeing as you get older. We can help with free access to digital health resources.


Life insurance is not just about having peace of mind for the future, it also gives you the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. That’s why we offer free digital health services to help boost your overall wellbeing.

For many people, the pandemic pushed health and wellbeing up their priority list. There was an increase in interest in immune system-boosting dietary supplements around the world.1 One in five Australians believed their physical health was worse in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic times,2 and both Lifeline and BeyondBlue saw a significant increase in contacts between 2019 and 2022.3

Sometimes, making the effort to improve your health can be hard, especially with rising costs. So our insurance cover comes with access to digital health services that are designed to encourage and improve your mental and physical health. 

Make your spending count

Health costs have risen dramatically over the past 10 years.4 That’s why it’s important to get every advantage from your spending. You chose to put some of your hard-earned money towards life insurance cover, so now we’ll help you be there for your loved ones as long as possible – for no extra charge.

As you get older, keeping active lowers your risk of developing chronic disease or suffering an injury.5 It also improves your mood, concentration and memory.6  Exercise is also associated with lower rates of mental illness.7

When you’re healthy and mostly free of stress, you have the mental and physical energy to get everything you want out of life and still do what needs to be done. 

Easy access to health resources

Our My Wellbeing Hub has plenty of tips and information on managing stress, getting creative in the kitchen and staying active.

  • Mental health: we have engaging articles and information on topics such as self-care, resilience and getting personal satisfaction out of a busy life. 
  • Nutrition and fitness: access recipes and handy tips on managing your physical and digestive health, including information on how different foods affect your mental state or immune system.
  • Community: feeling connected to others outside your immediate sphere is good for you. In our community hub you can learn about Tackle Your Feelings and Mr Perfect, peer and community support programs that build an understanding of mental health and provide non-judgemental support.  


Start your journey to wellness at our My Wellbeing Hub. [link to My Wellbeing Hub ( ]


“As you get older, keeping active lowers your risk of developing chronic disease or suffering an injury.”

1 National Library of Medicine, Dietary Supplements during COVID-19 Outbreak. Results of Google Trends Analysis Supported by PLifeCOVID-19 Online Studies, 27 December 2020, Accessed 6 October 2022
2 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Household Impacts of Covid-19 Survey Jan 2021, 22 February 2021, Accessed 6 October 2021.
3 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health Services in Australia – Mental Health Impact of Covid-19, 26 August 2022, Accessed 6 October 2021.
4 Health Insurance Comparison, Seniors Worried by Spiraling Costs, 14 August 2020, Accessed 6 October 2022.
5 Better Health Channel, Healthy and Active Aging, Accessed 6 October 2022
6 Health Direct, Exercise and Mental Health, November 2020, Accessed 6 October 2022
7 Better Health Channel, Exercise and Mental Health, Accessed 6 October 2022

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Subject line We’ve got your back when it comes to health and wellbeing
Pre-header text

Access reliable health advice through your insurance for no extra cost

Header image copy  
Headline Get healthy through our one-stop My Wellbeing Hub
Salutation Dear <name>

Life insurance is not just about having peace of mind for the future, it also gives you the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. It’s one of the reasons we offer digital health services through the My Wellbeing Hub to support your mental and physical wellbeing.


Health costs have risen across the past few years, which is why it’s important to get every advantage from your spending. Keeping well now means less chance of chronic illness later.

My Wellbeing Hub is easy to access and has tips and information on managing stress, nutrition, and staying active and healthy. It offers: 

  • Mental health: we have engaging articles and information on topics such as self-care, resilience and getting personal satisfaction out of a busy life. 
  • Nutrition and fitness: access recipes and handy tips on managing your physical and digestive health, including information on how different foods affect your mental state or immune system.
  • Community: feeling connected to others outside your immediate sphere is good for you. Through our community hub you can build an understanding of mental health and access non-judgemental support.  
CTA If you want to make wellbeing part of your life, you can learn more about the My Wellbeing Hub <here> [link to My Wellbeing Hub ( ]
Sign-off Regards, <name/team>
Disclaimer <<disclaimer copy>>


LinkedIn post

Introduction We want to support you when things go right, not just when they go wrong. That’s one of the reasons we offer digital health services through the My Wellbeing Hub to support your mental and physical wellbeing. A healthy life is a better life all round.

You can’t control everything. We know that. But you can choose to do something good for your body. One in five Australians say their physical health was worse in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic times,1 and mental health services experienced a significant rise in demand.2

Our My Wellbeing Hub has tips and information on managing stress, nutrition, and staying active and healthy. It offers: 

  • Mental health: we have engaging articles and information on topics such as self-care, resilience and getting personal satisfaction out of a busy life. 
  • Nutrition and fitness: access recipes and handy tips on managing your physical and digestive health, including information on how different foods affect your mental state or immune system.
  • Community: peer and community support programs that build an understanding of mental health and provide non-judgemental support. 

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Household Impacts of Covid-19 Survey Jan 2021, 22 February 2021, Accessed 6 October 2021.
2 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health Services in Australia – Mental Health Impact of Covid-19, 26 August 2022, Accessed 6 October 2021.

CTA Find out more about the My Wellbeing Hub <here>.


Social post

Introduction Life insurance isn’t just about having peace of mind for the future. 

It’s also about giving you the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest today.

That’s why we offer digital health services to help boost your mental and physical wellbeing. And don’t forget, staying healthy and active is especially important as you get older, as it lowers your risk of developing a chronic disease.

CTA Click <here> to discover more about the My Wellbeing Hub.



This information provides an overview only on specific topics and may be limited in scope or subject to qualifications and generalisations. It is provided for your use with insureds and superannuation fund members.

The information provided is also designed to be provided to insureds and superannuation fund members under your own name and any applicable licenses. You will need to consider whether the information is required to be changed or qualified in doing so. To the extent that there is inconsistency between the information on this website and the relevant policy, the policy will take precedence. You should take professional advice and review the appropriateness of the information before it is used by you.

This information does not consider any specific personal needs, objectives, or financial circumstances.

© Zurich Australia Limited ABN 92 000 010 195, AFSL 232510. Information within it is current as at May 2023 but may be subject to change. Updated information will be available by contacting Customer Service on 131 551.