Insurance Education Hub

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Workplace

Focusing on well-being at work presents a valuable opportunity to benefit societies by helping working individuals to feel happy, competent, and satisfied in their roles. This webinar will explore the benefits of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace through developing positive approaches that focus on the positive aspects of work and employee strengths.

Rewiring your Brain to Conquer Stress

Vanessa Bennett is back with a fresh new session that will help you identify and understand the external factors relating to inability to handle stress which leads to issues with brain wiring and understand these wiring issues and how thoughts and responses affect our brains. This session will get your mind set exam-ready by understanding the neuroscience of stress and breathing to reset the amygdala and the neuroscience of negative automated thoughts leading to intermediate beliefs leading to core belief.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is more than just relaying information across to an intended recipient, in the hopes that it is well received and effective.

This session reveals the game changing nature of communication in business and challenges traditional mindsets on client communications. We explore the opportunities that come with effective communication, and provide practical steps on achieving it in your business

Cost of care

Zurich’s award-winning Cost of Care Program is an industry first that aims to expand the understanding of the healthcare, social security and insurance ecosystem, in turn, allowing for more informed decision making about the most appropriate mechanisms to protect one’s financial wellbeing. In this bite-sized session you will get insights from our Risk Specialist on how likelihood and cost insights could be positioned to enhance a consumer’s willingness to purchase insurance and learn how to articulate with clarity the risk your clients absorbs if they opt out of purchasing a protection solution.

LGBTQ Awareness and Empowering Allies

Join Adrian Fann from Pride in Diversity, as he enhances your awareness of the LGBTQ community and offers practical tips on how to be an effective ally both in and out of the workplace.

Stress-Resilient Mindful Leadership

Research suggests that the inner world of the executive has remained largely neglected. For example, we rarely train leaders and managers to manage themselves. Vital qualities in today’s business world are “stress-resiliency” & psychological flexibility” – an ability to deal with constant change and uncertainty, to recover from adversity and respond effectively. In this session you will learn how to manage your thinking & emotions during stressful situations, and how to lead others – especially during busy periods, or during stress or crisis.

Creating Your Own Mental Training Plan

This session will help you understand the mental health/ill heath continuum to determine a mental training plan for you. You’ll also be provided with some practical tools to improve and maintain your mental fitness during pressure.

XY Adviser Podcast: How to identify mental illness and refer on to other experts
XY Adviser Podcast: Holistically supporting mental well-being and return to wellness
XY Adviser Podcast: Maintaining a healthy mindset during stressful events